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Senior Leadership Badges

Senior Leadership Badges

The Feast of the Assumption was celebrated with a full school Mass. During which it was a privilege to acknowledge and thank 11 senior students for their leadership and service to our community and beyond.

Hamish Cahir whose leadership in and service to Young Vinnies is recognised this morning

Denzel Deveraj for leadership and service in Eucharistic ministry and music

TakuManawa Gourlay-Gudex for leadership and service in Eucharistic ministry and Kapa haka

Russell Kereru-Davis for leadership and service in Young Vinnies and Kapa Haka

Kristian Matulich-Watson for leadership and service in Eucharistic Ministry and Kapa Haka

Jonty McKay for leadership and service to Basketball through mentoring, coaching, and supporting junior students

Nicodemus Rooke for leadership and service in Special Character, Kapa Haka, Sport, and mentoring in the tuakana-teina programme 

Dylan Shore for leadership and service to Special Character and Music

Anthony Soakai for leadership and service in Special Character events, Sport and Culture

Mackey Tsang for leadership and service in embodying school spirit through the International student body.         

Luke Turner for leadership and service to rugby, and despite injury challenges, demonstrating a generosity of spirit.