Career Education

Guiding students to find their path

Navigating the world of possible careers can be daunting and deciding on a career path is a big decision for our boys and their families. Our careers service exists to support our students on this journey, and with our career education programme, students are guided through this process and encouraged to make informed choices about their future career pathways.

Throughout the school year, career education is taught to students in Years 7-12, enabling them to develop career management competencies and shape a future that meets their individual strengths and talents. Year 9 and 10 students will receive a dedicated career lesson in Term 3 each year, with a focus on subject selection for their senior years.

Every student in Years 11 and 12 participates in a personal interview with our school Careers Counsellor, to ensure their subject choices are in line with their future career aspirations. In Year 13, career education is included in our curriculum every week to prepare students for life beyond school. Students will develop skills in interviewing and CV writing and are offered advice on tertiary scholarships. 

As part of our career education, we also offer:

  • Individual or group careers counselling, which parents are welcome to attend
  • Help transition from school to work or training
  • The facilitation of visits to open days and experience days at tertiary and industry education providers
  • Specialist programmes from outside providers for Māori and Pasifika students
  • StudyLink and IRD information sessions
Career Pathways and Further Education

Together with many of New Zealand's tertiary and industry training providers, and businesses, we have created a directory with a wealth of information to help students consider opportunities for their future.


DreamCatcher is a web-based, student-centred career management system that is invaluable for students transitioning from secondary school to beyond. Students can record ideas about their future intentions, set academic, personal and career goals and investigate career opportunities, enabling them to take control of their future career and forge paths best suited to them. In this, they also develop self-management skills and make subject choices based on their realised goals.

DreamCatcher also notifies students and parents of upcoming career events throughout the country and important dates for tertiary applications. 

Careers Department Staff

Mrs Kate Harvey
Head of Department
Dip Applied Social Services (Career Practice)
2009 Inaugural AUT Career Advisor Excellence Award

Mrs Sheryl James
Careers Department Administrator

Our Curriculum
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Student Services
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