Old Boys' Events and Reunions

Since the inception of SHOBCA, reunions across the country have been a way for Old Boys to reconnect. In 1941, 50 Old Boys who were members of the Armed Forces gathered in Cairo during World War II.

Reunions are held annually in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Tauranga, Dargaville, Taranaki, Paeroa, Dunedin, Whangarei, Kaitaia, Papakura, Whakatane, Rotorua and Hong Kong. Biennial reunions are held in Pukekohe, Papakura, Hong Kong, Brisbane, Sydney and London.

Annual Golf Day
The Sacred Heart Old Boys Association hosts an annual Golf Day which is open to all Old Boys, Parents and Friends of the College. Players can register a team of 4 or register on their own. There are competitions for both affiliated and non affiliated golfers.

In 2025 the Annual Golf Day will be held on Friday 4 April at the Whitford Park Golf Club
Start time: 12.15pm (Shotgun Start)
Green Fee: $70 or $50 for College Leavers (2015 and after)
Carts: $50 - To request a cart email Brian Donnelly
Note: Carts are allocated as per the SHCOB Golf Cart Allocation Policy

 Register now using the form below (you can enter as a four or on your own). Last date for registrations is  14 March 2025.

The main contact and Brian Donnelly will receive email confirmation of your registration. Please check your SPAM folder if it is not in your inbox.

Other Old Boys' Events
Old Boys Memorial and ANZAC MassSunday 4 May, 2025Daniel Whittaker
National Reunion DinnerTo be advisedMark Peterson
Development Foundation
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Sacred Heart Fair
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